Saturday, November 2, 2013

Annie Stops Time Frankly Chapter 6- Wake Up Calls

                                     Annie Stops Time Frankly

Note: This book is a work of fiction, any co-incidence with any person’s life living or dead is just awesome and we should dedicate our lives to find and ask him/her how to do it.

                                         Wake Up Calls

Annie woke up with a very light and funny feeling in her head. It was almost like the time someone had slipped a sleeping pill in her coffee when she refused to sleep to watch a marathon of a show detailing how to sleep well.

“Hey are you fine?” Kalazi asked as she opened her eyes. His face warped into weird shapes till it decided to stop at one which Annie wasn’t sure was the same one before she passed out.
“Yeah!” Annie said minding herself not grab her forehead like a teenage heroine after waking from being passed out. “Just feeling like I overslept.”
“An absolutely normal reaction to the Somanoprozene XL which I gave you, it helps your brain relax. Infact I’ll give you one more shot of it before we begin again.” Kalazi said.
“Ok but can I get some coffee before I start again.” Annie asked.
“We have an equivalent of your cappuccino.”
“It’ll work.”
Kalazi walked towards his seat and sat down. Then he pressed a button on his seat.
“Someone will bring it here in a minute.” Kalazi said.
“No problem” Annie replied. “It’s still a lot faster than what I’m used to back home.”
“You know when I woke up after the blackout, Wren wasn’t up. And there was so much blinding light in front of me I for a moment thought I was dead and was ascending into heaven, but then a fiery tide shot up and I thought that actually I was descending into hell. But whatever the reason it was quite beautiful for few seconds till he woke up and had a panic attack. Apparently all that was happening was a dwarf star had pulled our asteroid it’s way while we were down and was gonna suck us in soon. Wren told me that without the suit we would have been toast by now. And I told him that without it we could not have reached the state in which we were about to be toasted.”
“You’re pretty humble comparing yourself to food.” Kalazi said.
Annie looked up towards Kalazi and smiled. “You didn’t get it, did you? I’m not being humble when I compare myself to toast. It’s a simple metaphor we use to say I would be burnt.”
“So this was not an off the record thing where we have an off the books heart to heart.”
“No! But it sure was a personal moment where I for once did really believe in the power of god universe, nature.”
“I would never understand this god concept that some of all the species in universe have, but I guess I do understand its significance to you as I know how majestic the sight of a star just a few thousand miles away from you can be, it’s the most bright and visible form of the energy my culture looks forward to.”
“It’s amazing that we are trillions of miles apart and still are so identical.”
Kalazi chuckled at Annie’s reply. “I would rarely call us identical. You humans don’t have even a basic one-way interstellar travel.”
“Thanks, I was dying to hear that.”
“You are really humble. I insulted your very species and you just thanked me admitting your shortcomings. I have no idea why humans aren’t a peaceful species.”
“Well most of us understand sarcasm, that’s why!” Annie said under her breath.
The doors behind Annie slid open as a floating tray with a perfume can and a gun like syringe entered the room and flew straight towards Kalazi. He grabbed the syringe. And sent the tray flying towards Annie with the perfume bottle.
“Drink it and relax.” He said.
“Well if you wanted me to relax maybe you shouldn’t have shown me the shot.” Annie said picking up the perfume bottle. She shook it and asked “Do I need to spray this in my mouth to drink it?”
“Yes” Kalazi replied as he broke of the seal from the tip of the needle. “And last time it didn’t hurt you when we gave you Somanoprozene.”
“Well it might be because I was passed out. I do it a lot these days.” She said as she pressed the tip into her mouth feeling really stupid as a stream of hot fluid came out which tasted like cappuccino. She wondered if serving cappuccino like this would be hit idea on earth. Worst part was that she was not entirely sure.
Kalazi stood up and went towards Annie. She squeezed her eyes as he brought the needle close to her arm. “You know I really cannot understand how this could ever hurt someone.” And he clicked the button on the gun like injector without ever piercing her arm. Annie felt a tingling sensation as highly pressurized gases hit her skin at a specific point. It was like being shot with a water gun.
Annie opened her eyes relieved but felt insanely hot for a half a second, then she relaxed.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Annie Stops Time Frankly Chapter 5- How Not to Fly in Space

                                         Annie Stops Time Frankly

Note: This book is a work of fiction, any co-incidence with any person’s life living or dead is just awesome and we should dedicate our lives to find and ask him/her how to do it.

                                                                How Not To Fly In Space

“Yeah I know, but for now it doesn’t matter. What matters is the story.”
“Do you have a dual personality disorder? One moment you are all excited and starry-eyed and then next become so mean.”
“Not my fault. It’s in my genes. We don’t like it when we are bored, which is what you do when you complain so much. Doesn’t your mind get low on new topics to have an argument.. “ Kalazi said but Annie interrupted him.
“Tell me this how would you feel if you wake up one morning just to be picked up and be forced to find some old dirty socks, you find a bundle of them and then you are thrown in it, after that someone comes along picks you up, and asks you to describe all kinds of socks you saw and how they smelt.” Annie said angrily.
“I don’t see how that relates to the present situation.”
“Well neither do I, but it seems almost equally awful.”
Annie and Kalazi stayed silent for almost a minute, before Kalazi spoke. “It seems almost impossible that you could complete the story, we have absolutely no rapport.”
“Well we have three days.”
“So you are willing to tell the story.”
“Yeah I am willing to tell the story, you know. It’s for the first time I think I am in absolute control of events around me. I think that power has gone to my head.”
“So no more arguing?” asked Kalazi wide-eyed.
“Yep, no more.”
“Well that would be much duller.”
“I thought you said you don’t want to argue.” Annie inquired confusedly.
 “No I said no more complaining, arguing is fine. It even helps in the police work.”
“Good Enough.” sighed Annie.
“So you saw part of a ship break away.” Kalazi repeated the last part of story so Annie wouldn’t repeat any.
“Heard! I heard part of a ship break away. The ship came to a stop, and Wren asked us to suit up and evacuate instantly. Zion turned on the emergency power and told us that he was going in the control deck below to check out the hardware failures and to destroy the violet box, which I guessed must be synonymous to our black box. Wren walked into a glass tube write next to Zion’s panel  where a mechanical suit was screwed over him piece by piece what I thought to be scrap robo parts when I’d seen them seconds before. He was done in 30 seconds making him almost four times larger. He indicated me to follow suit, no pun intended.” Annie drew a breath. “Now, I was already a little light-headed from being thrown away by a fusion bomb. So, I don’t remember myself walking over  to the tube and how it felt when it formed itself over me. I’m guessing like Iron Man. But I feel like I got a really heightened sense of awareness when a needle was painlessly pushed through my arm.”
“Uh…oh!” exclaimed Kalazi interrupting Annie.
“For what?”
“Well I guess it must be Sachlorezene IX, given immediately after in case of spatial accidents to remove dizziness and drowsiness. It gives a really exaggerated sense of perpetual awareness to its receivers for about 250 seconds till it makes it way throughout the nervous system, this time is almost impossible to forget and most beings remember this in very clear detail. The problem here is we have given you the Somanprozene XL which belongs to the same family of Irezenes and helps you remember events encoded in your permanent or temporary memory much clearly and chronologically. Now having been affected by both at once, I can only imagine how painfully detailed the next 250 seconds can be, as it will be impossible for you to tell the story otherwise.”
“Whoa” Annie said. “I don’t know what is categorised as rational fear, but if it were me I would say that this the most well calculated predicted and well documented kind of fear I’ve seen with the one scared having solid facts on which his fear is based on.”
“Ms. Greene you might black out after this time for almost an hour as your brain compensates for the heightened awareness.” Kalazi felt the effect of mixture of drugs kicking in her brain.
Annie had already started “The needle was pulled out my arm slowly, and was pulled in back of the suit with a nice click. The suit’s helmet was made of black hardened crystal like glass, or glass like crystal.” Annie said unfocused almost in a hypnotized voice. “Win walked towards us with his mucousy skin shining almost red under the orange light. The sound that the floor made when he stepped towards us was like ‘Thutch’,’Thutch’. I tried to step towards Wren wearing the suit fearing it would be impossible to do so. But the suit reacted instantly and stepped towards Wren with less than half the strength it would have taken me to make my own body to take a step towards him. As I stepped the suit went ‘Kwayyyi’. Wren turned his faced towards me which was barely visible behind the highly reflective green tinted glass in front of suit which shone green-orange under the light. He told me to follow him outside. His voice came breathy, raspy and mechanized from the speakers inside my suit. He walked towards the inward dented wall with heavy thud sounds. I followed him as I heard the squishy sound of Win entering the glass tube and the mechanical arm with a whirr of thousand motors bolted two metal pieces in front of his chest with a clink sound. Wren reached the wall, extended his right arm, and with a shutter sound a small pin like device with a spinning ball bearing like end came out of the suit from backside of his palm. It shot out a red beam of light from the pin like end with a high pitched sound as a barrage of clinks followed from the suit being assembled over Win. The metal wall melted where the beam struck it but it did not cut through it wholly, Wren traced a hole big enough for the suit waving his hand over the wall, he retraced it again, he retraced it thrice. As Wren cut through the wall I heard five distinct metal thuds and a crash as Win came up behind me, Wren waved retraced it two more times, then he took a step back and kicked the part with a deafening banging sound as the wall broke away and was sucked out instantly in space. Beyond it was some part of space ship whose other side of wall had been broken away and thousands of wires and jutting metal pieces lied bare.” Annie stopped for a breath almost involuntarily and started talking again. “ Beyond it was blackness of the space, yet it was quite not it all sorts of colours were visible in the distance while the area instantly outside was a brown gas dimly lit by something. And there were millions of rock pieces floating around slowly. The part of wall cut by Wren stuck one of the small ones almost soundlessly. In distance the broken part of the ship was visible being slowly pushed by a larger sized asteroid. That second I felt a tickling sensation in my stomach as we started to float. The pressure in the cabin had dropped and probably the artificial gravity of the ship was no longer working. Wren grabbed the sides of the hole and pulled himself out of the cabin. Win gave me a small push from behind and I did the same thing as Wren. I grabbed the sides and gave myself a pull and floated out the cabin to the now empty part of ship. “Engage E-suit flight boosters. Mark Suit Alpha 450 novice and engage mirroring flight route to Alpha 350.” Came Wren’s voice over the speakers.  A huge blast of air surprised me, as I saw red and yellow lights started to come from the shoulder blade joints of Wren’s suit. My suit to slowly lifted itself and was erect like I was standing. Wren’s voice came over the speakers again this time addressing me telling me to just move my shoulders to fly my suit directly behind me, he told me that most of the system would automatically follow him but tracking sharp turns in atmosphere full of nitrogen dioxide was hard. I nodded as another series of clings began coming from the cabin, Wren told me to bend my shoulders a little forward as his suit kicked off into space. I bent them and my suit went hurling towards the part of metal. I let out a small squeal as the asteroid grew bigger as it came nearer, when a display kicked on my suit’s helmet which tracked a curved line towards a square ad my suit was immediately pulled in other direction brushing the door as it struck against many smaller stones. The square locked itself on Wren’s flying suit as soon as it came into my field of view and I felt an immediate powerful thrust as it began to close in on him to eliminate any excessive distance, my suit followed him but he suddenly took a sharp turn to left of giant asteroid, and the square box on my helmet vanished leaving only a trail of dashed line in an opposite direction. Fear of getting lost in space gripped me the instant he went out of my view, leaving me for the first time out of my time from earth completely alone. Scared I turned my shoulders left too soon and bumped badly into the asteroid and rolled right ways into an another asteroid almost standing still, I bowled over the back of it. I was completely scared and it was only to save my life I decided to take control of the suit. I bent my shoulders forward again and it shot straight, bending them right I went around the rock and did turnaround the first one. The instant I did it, the square came back on, locked to a pinpoint in space and I felt the push of the thrusters again. The pinpoint slowly grew and began to look like a suit when it flied up a little and landed on a medium sized asteroid. My suit tracked a triangle next to the square and went to land on it. As I started to land Wren dropped on its surface. I landed and went running towards him when I felt my head grew heavy too, my surroundings blackened as I felt energy draining out of my body and went limp. I fell on the ground with a thud.” Annie completed her long in trance monologue as she blacked out.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Annie Stops Time Frankly Chapter 4 - Little Big Explosions

                                     Annie stops Time Frankly

Note: This book is a work of fiction, any co-incidence with any person’s life living or dead is just awesome and we should dedicate our lives to find and ask him/her how to do it.

                                                                  Little Big Explosions

Annie continued “Wren asked me to walk with him into the cockpit of the spaceship which he told me was the portion of the ship with the most volume. I rose with him from the room with grey floors and walls and for the first time looked at the teleporting pad which was actually just copper-coloured thin tubes going into base of the ship. With that we went into the hallway with entrances to the pantry, the teleport room, the bathroom and the cockpit. He walked over and opened the circular gate by a fingerprint scanner.”
“DNA scanner” interrupted Kalazi.
“Yeah I got to know that later, that it actually scanned the DNA off his finger, but at that point I thought it was a fingerprint scanner. Ok” barked back Annie. “Anyways we went into the cockpit and he introduced me to his weapons officer Win, basically a grimy octopus with extra legs and wooden brown, mucousy body, and his communication’s officer Zion, Win’s twin brother from his father’s another wife’s husband’s sister, and how is that possible don’t ask me but I had a hard time talking to them as they were comfortably twins with each other, as I had a very hard time believing that their parents were loyal to each other or to their brothers & sisters.”
“Yeah I know the relationship dynamics of the Sionisquians are rather hard to take in at once, since relational dynamics work very much on principles of ribose pattern matches in their external pituitary glands, in fact I have seen many couples married to each other and still unsure whether they were in the right husband and wives circle.” explained Kalazi.
“I guess I really won’t understand this relationship dynamics until I become a wife in some such circle.” Annie commented as she removed the piece of skin dried out under her thumb nail.
“No, you can. All you have to do is to read the full version of Galactic police issued book on intra-species relationship Dr. Tyikhxokh’ s book on the Galactic Personal & Social Abidance on 39000 different planets. It’s just a 100 year read and leaves a positive effect of factual awareness abundance on your mind.”
“Sounds like fun. So what do you suggest what should else should I sacrifice in addition to living for this book.”
“One other thing you would sacrifice is boredom.” Kalazi said trying to instil a sense of wonder in his voice to raise the girl’s anxiousness to read his personal favourite book, but his voice instead sounded like the squeal of mouse when an eagle swoops down to pick a mouse but then sees that instead he is the fatter one.
“Maybe, though I would need a lobotomy first. I guess you can arrange that pretty easily.” Annie eyed Kalazi.
“Indeed I can. Our people love cutting off a portion of their brain so we can regrow it. It feels amazing.”
Annie just stared weirdly at Kalazi not sure how to respond. “You may not know this, but people from Earth cannot regrow part of their brains if they are cut.”
“Really?” asked Kalazi surprised, “ then performing a lobotomy would be just stupid. I mean you would get stuck being a dumb chick all your life.”
Annie wondered how their conversation always rose in level of their stupidity, this time it had started with reading some book rising all the way up to cutting some brain. “I really think I need to complete this story before we reach home” she paused and added, “only if you want!”
“I don’t see how your story can be long enough to take more than three earth days, as you have been with Wren for two short days. But still in case if it is, go on.”
“Well Win and Zion welcomed me with smile and  I returned the courtesy, then sat down on the seat Wren instructed me to sit onto, I put on the stabilizer belts as he instructed the ship AI to prepare the hyper -space jump boosters, he told me that we will go straight to the Delta’s headquarters in the Andromeda galaxy. He told Zion to inform the Delta we were coming, and Win to be ready to blow anything that comes near us before Andromeda not that we were stopping before it. Seconds later a very high pressure built up in my ears and was almost gone that instant too after a second long burst of light and sound.” Annie stopped for effect and continued. “As soon as we stopped Zion told Wren with a very subtle tone of anxiety in his voice that we were not at Andromeda, not even close. Wren took to the display in front of him and called out with slight panic that the space jump boosters were dead. He told the AI to perform diagnostics on ship when Zion said that some ships were approaching them and were a few light seconds away.  Wren in a fit told them to turn on the main engine before telling them to stop as it would definitely throw us on their radars. And then the lights went out. Wren let out a small cry and I asked him what was happening. He didn’t even bother to answer me and instead asked Zion for our co-ordinates. He blabbered some numbers to Wren”
“Well don’t you remember, there’s no way you don’t remember it now. We gave you that drug for a reason.” Kalazi demanded.
“Uh… well” staggered Annie. “You know all this experience was new to me. So, trapped there I could only see imminent death. I was scared out of my mind. So, I cupped my ears with my hands hoping that it was all a dream and I would wake up screaming.” Annie said flinching.
“Hmm. I understand you fear what I don’t understand is how could you possibly confuse something real with a dream?”
“You know what you can’t, but that’s the whole point of it you try to pass grave dangers as just being a dream. No dream is that long or that vivid with perfectly detailed conversations, but denial is a strong emotion.” Annie told solemnly. “Besides covering my ear didn’t help that much I did hear the latter part of it that we might be caught and killed by the pirates as there was nothing else in that part of space except gas clouds and asteroids. Then suddenly Wren came up with this idea of hiding in the asteroid field a thousand miles to the starboard of the ship, but Zion complained that for that the ship’s engine would have to be turned on the back up nuclear based power source and then we would sure be easily tracked. You know by that point I almost started to think that either the brother Win was mute or had almost only as much idea about what the hell was going on as me. But it was then he told something that saved our lives.” Annie cleared her throat and continued. “He told Wren that we didn’t have to turn on the engine, all that was needed was to power up the weapon engine and then he would eject a fusion jacked torpedo to any random gas cloud at a calculated distance to our port and it could push the ship a thousand miles starboard into the asteroid belt, and the residual heat and radiation from the blast would mask the ship for a few minutes enough to get away. Zion asked them to do it fast as the pirates ship were only ten light seconds away. Wren quickly traced a line on the display floating under him, did a swiping gesture and pushed a red button that came up and the ship jerked as I imagined a big weapon ejecting and floating away. Wren told the ship AI to drop force fields on the port side of ship. Zion shouted in alarm that the pirates had arrived and were preparing to tractor them in. I covered my face and with a slight feeling of being sucked out for a moment, I was thrown to one side of my seat remaining in place only due to my seat-belts. I heard a deafening tearing sound with a huge pop as the metal walls on my left side began to dent in. And when the terrifying inward denting of the walls stopped, I was left out of breath again as the ship came to a stop by striking against an asteroid with such a great intensity that I was twisted and thrown to the opposite side of the chair to which I was previously thrown to almost cramping my neck. Some part of the ship broke away with a huge noise.”
“Wow that must have been intense.” Kalazi exclaimed anxiously.
“You bet.”
“You know you already have an experience in your short time in space that many can’t have in their lifetime.”
“Know what, they are lucky. Nobody would like to have this kind of an experience.”
“You bet they won’t like it. These people don’t have contact with any kind of petty thieves in their entire lifetime and you managed to be in the company of a big one since you entered space.”


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